All posts by S ML

CPA Exam Study Planner Updates

Hello, Future CPA! I recently learned about updates to a great study planner tool that can help you on your road to becoming a CPA. So this afternoon, I thought I would take a few moments to say hello, check on how your studies are going, and send you information about this update. You probably […]

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The New CPA Exam Is Here!

Hello, Future CPA! We’ve been talking about it for months, and it’s finally here! Starting this month, CPA candidates will be taking the “new” CPA Exam. The revised exam has some major changes, including eliminating the BEC section and written communications, adding a so-called CPA Discipline exam, and even changing the CPA Exam schedule. But […]

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CPA Exam Disciplines: How to pass the new CPA Discipline exam sections

Are you prepared for the new CPA Exam Disciplines? After all, the CPA Exam changed in January 2024 and now follows a new Core + Discipline model. The exam still has four parts, including three required Core sections (AUD, FAR, and REG), plus candidates must pass one of three Discipline sections. So in this post, […]

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Comparison of CPA Review Systems: We did the hard work for you!

Hello, Future CPA! How are you doing on your journey to becoming a CPA? If you haven’t selected a CPA review system yet (or if the one you have isn’t working for you), the IPass team is here to help! Most providers are having big promos right now, so you’re probably getting a ton of […]

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Don’t Miss These Exam Updates + Offers for IPass Readers

Hi, future CPA! I want to take a few moments to check in with you today. How are your studies going? Are you ready for the CPA Evolution in 2024? How can I help to keep you on track? Check out these recently updated posts to make your journey toward the CPA license a little […]

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Say Goodbye to BEC + Save on CPA Review for 2023

Hi, future CPA! It’s almost here! The last quarter of the CPA Exam as we’ve known it for over 20 years, and we’re saying goodbye to BEC. In fact, the last date to register for BEC with NASBA is November 15, 2023. Per NASBA, “The last day of testing for all current CPA Exam sections […]

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Do CPAs Need to Take the LSAT? A breakdown of the LSAT vs CPA


If you’re an accountant, do you know if CPAs need to take the LSAT and go to law school? After all, some public accountants consider law school to supplement their careers in tax. But the CPA and LSAT exams are completely different, and both require a significant amount of study time. So if you’re considering […]

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Become a CPA This Summer + Becker Offers (CPA & CPE!)

Hi, future CPA! I want to take a few moments to check in with you today. How are your studies going? Can I answer any questions or offer any advice to keep you on track? If your goal is to become a CPA before the summer is over, I can help! Check out these recently […]

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Are You Ready for the CPA Exam Evolution?

Hi, future CPA! Are you aware that the CPA Exam is getting a major overhaul in 2024? That’s right! In less than a year, the CPA Exam will be revamped – some sections will remain but will be revised, while others will be replaced with completely new sections! So if you’re planning on passing the […]

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Manhattan Prep: Our #1 GRE Test Prep for High GRE Test Scores

ManhattanPrep GRE IPasstheCPAExam

Manhattan Prep provides interesting and enjoyable yet high-quality GRE test prep. GRE exam study packages from Manhattan Prep include GRE books, video lessons, practice GRE questions, live classes, and several GRE practice tests. However, with all the choices for GRE prep available today, is Manhattan Prep the best GRE course for you? And does it […]

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